CLARA, derived from the Latin Clarus, which means “bright,” is the light that illuminates the past, the symbol of a brighter future shaped by the rediscovery of values that defined life in the past. 

A project aimed at restoring and promoting ancient traditions, representing the love and respect for the local culture that have always defined Borgo Egnazia. This vision has been enriched also thanks to the friendship with Clara D’Aprile, the custodian of Puglian traditions, who has been collecting and passing down ancestral arts and knowledge for many years.  

Born and raised in Alberobello (Puglia), Clara is passionate about the local culture, teaching in courses and workshops about ethnobotany, singing, music, and folklore. 

In the trullo she inherited from her family, nestled in the Puglian countryside, she has been collecting, documenting, and cataloguing ancient traditions for more than twenty years, recounting the values and arts of Puglia’s past with the precious support of the local community. 

A love of tradition expressed through the collaboration with Borgo Egnazia, a project by Aldo Melpignano and his wife Camilla Vender Melpignano that represents Puglia in every detail, from its unique hospitality model to experiences focused on the promotion of local culture, products, and talents. 

This friendship has led to the creation of unique and typically Puglian experiences, also thanks to the creativity of Carlo Bravi, a connoisseur of Puglian culture and expert talent scout. The project for the association stems from this very bond, aiming to restore the invaluable local cultural heritage.