Aldo Melpignano

Puglian entrepreneur, co-founder of Borgo Egnazia and Managing Director of EGNAZIA – Ospitalità Italiana, a reality aimed at representing the Italian spirit and a typically Italian idea of hospitality. After studying abroad for several years, Aldo felt the call of his roots, creating his most successful project: Borgo Egnazia, a place that symbolises Puglian hospitality in the world and is focused on the promotion of local culture and products. 

Camilla Vender Melpignano

Milanese by birth but Puglian at heart, Camilla is an essential part of the whole Borgo Egnazia reality. Here, her deep love for this land and its people has turned into a desire to seek out and enhance the most authentic beauty and hidden talents. An extension of her Bottega Egnazia project, a great homage to local products and craftsmanship. 

Clara D'Aprile

Keeper of Puglian traditions and teacher in projects and workshops inspired by popular culture, Clara researches and preserves the cornerstones of local traditions and ancient relics in her family trullo. For years, she has been collaborating with Borgo Egnazia in organising events and experiences aimed at promoting Puglian culture, becoming the association’s main source of inspiration. 

Carlo Bravi

Born in northern Italy, his career has been based on a deep passion for culture, in search of traditions and ancient tales to spread their beauty through shows and events. His love for Puglia has led him to tell the story of this land that gave him a second birthplace. He enhanced with creativity and care of details what makes a place special – its stories and people.    

Maurizio Baietta

Half Venetian and half Emilian, he boasts over twenty years of managerial experience with leading roles in experiential marketing. From his meeting with Clara and his discovery of Puglia, its culture and people, he developed a true passion for popular traditions, which led him to enthusiastically take part in the association’s project, committing himself to the preservation and promotion of the local rich cultural heritage.